Wilson Sons Delivers Tug SST-Aruá

Wilson Sons shipyard, part of the WilsonSons Group, has delivered yet another tugboat. The SST-Aruá is the second tugboat delivered to SAAM SMIT Towage Brazil and is part of a total order of four vessels. The first of the series the SST-Aimoré was delivered in June this year. "It took just over 18 months to deliver the second tugboat from the moment of signing the contract. In a challenging time for the shipbuilding industry…
Hyundai Vinashin Launches d'Amico LR1
d’Amico International Shipping (DIS) has launched the first three LR1 (long-range) vessels in its history, at the Hyundai Vinashin shipyard in Vietnam, ANSA reported.
Navios Acquires Two Container Vessels
Navios Maritime Containers, a growth vehicle dedicated to the container sector, announced today that it has agreed to acquire two 2009-built 4,250 TEU container…
Antwerp Port in Full Sustainable Transition
The first Sustainability Congress was held on Tuesday 10 October with the launch of the fourth Sustainability Report which fully incorporates the 17 Sustainability…
Global Ship Lease New Time Charter with CMA CGM
Global Ship Lease (GSL), a containership charter owner, announced that it has agreed to a new time charter with CMA CGM for an 8,063 TEU containership, the 2005-built OOCL Tianjin…
Arab Women in Maritime Association Launched
A ground breaking event took place in Alexandria, Egypt (15-19 October) when 30 women from nine Arab countries officially launched The Arab Association for Women in the Maritime Sector (AWIMA).
Smooth Sailing in the Philippines
The recent visit to the Philippines, by two Australian Navy ships of the Indo-Pacific Task Group has significantly reinforced the strong defence relationship between Australia and the archipelago.
Keel Laid for Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Expedition Ship
The next stage of construction for the second of the two new expedition ships for Hapag-Lloyd Cruises has been set in motion with a keel laying ceremony for the…
BP’s LNG Carrier Fleet is Growing
BP said it will take delivery of six new, state-of-the-art liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers in 2018 and 2019 to support its expanding global LNG portfolio. BP’s…
WESMAR to Showcase New Stabilizer Technology

WESMAR said it will display its stabilizers, thrusters, sonar and hydraulics at the 58th Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show November 1 to 5, 2017. Held in what is known as the “Yachting Capital of the World,” the exhibition covers an area 9-miles-long and draws visitors from around the world. “As boat values continue to increase and moorage and dock space become more crowded, WESMAR products have become among the most important equipment owners and captains have come to rely on…
New Container Spreader from Tandemloc

For years mechanical container spreader frames have been a fixture on jobsites, river ports and any other location that utilizes ISO shipping containers. While container lifting frames are well worth their size and weight in operational cost savings, they often eat into those very savings because of the expensive shipping methods firms must utilize to get the frames on site for use. In response to this problem…
TOTE Shipments to Puerto Rico up 20% since Maria

Since Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on September 19, TOTE Maritime’s vessels have brought cargo to the island nine times delivering more than 7,200 containers of food, water, oxygen, generators and other essential relief and recovery items, along with the island’s regular day to day commercial needs. Through its efforts, TOTE Maritime has supported a 20 percent increase in cargo movement to the island.
ERMA FIRST BWTS Receives USCG Type Approval
Ballast water treatment system (BWTS) manufacturer ERMA FIRST said it has received a U.S. “After a long and continuous period of working on the USCG program, we…
Webb Institute Senior Awarded Crowley Scholarship

Crowley Maritime Corp. has awarded a Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarship to Tyler Gray-Hoehn, class of 2018 at the Webb Institute, a highly-selective undergraduate institution in Glen Cove, N.Y., specializing in naval architecture and marine engineering. Gray-Hoehn, who hails from Brookfield, Wisc., was recognized for his dedication, academic excellence and leadership as a student Webb. He is senior class president and vice president of the Webb Institute’s Student Organization (SO)…
Furuno DS60 DSL Selected for 200+ USCG Vessels

Furuno USA, Inc. said it has been awarded a five-year U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) IDIQ contract, valued at approximately $10 million, to supply Doppler Speed Logs (DSL) as part of the USCG’s Doppler Speed Refreshment Project. Furuno’s DS60 DSL will be installed on more than 200 vessels, ranging from 87’ Marine Protector-class patrol boats to the 418’ National Security Cutters, the largest class of vessel in the USCG fleet. The U.S.
FPSOs: New Storage Tank Explosion Frequencies

The fatal explosion in the pump room on the Brazilian FPSO Cidade de São Mateus in February 2015, demonstrated the potential for major accidents on this type of unit. Although there has never been an explosion in the oil storage tanks of an FPSO, there is a potential for such an event and offshore operators should assess the risks of such events to design against them. It is therefore imperative that risk assessments of FPSOs address this type of event.
SEA-3250-LT: Innovation in Offshore Wind Installations

GustoMSC is targeting the burgeoning U.S. offshore wind energy market with an innovative jack-up design that it claims will help to reduce risk and increase efficiency when installing units offshore: the SEA-3250-LT installation jack-up. Designed to be a safe, stable and solid platform to lift these heavy, delicate components to heights of more than 426 ft (130 m) in an area where technicians are performing assembly tasks at the same time.
The Complicated Business of Marine Construction Worker Claims

The right insurance policy could help you stay above water after a workplace incident. The day-to-day job of marine construction workers has many potential hazards. While restoring shorelines, dredging harbors, repairing bridges and building docks, they often operate heavy machinery. Manning cranes, forklifts and excavators day or night, it is not uncommon to work in sweltering heat, freezing cold temperatures and an array of other challenging weather conditions.
Arctic Research Explores the ‘Roomba’ Approach

The pace and quality of oil spill research in the United States typically ebbs and flows as a function of two, if not three important variables. First, after the 1989 Exxon Valdez grounding, there was a flurry of activity to ramp up oil spill research because it had been dormant for so long. The need was recognized, with plenty of money made available. Primarily, this research centered on conventional spill remediation techniques – for example, a tanker or barge spilling oil – and not much else.
The Art of Navigation

There are countless examples of how an over reliance of GPS navigation and the electronic charting systems, as well as the use of dead reckoning without a known fixed starting point – instead “eyeballing” the situation – are leading vessels in to danger. August 21, 2017 was the Great American Eclipse, and the science fiction fantasy fan in me wondered if this is when I would get my superpowers back.