New Company Takes Over OW Tanker

OW Tanker, a unit of bankrupt OW Bunker and owner of its marine fuel supply ships, has been taken over by a newly-created company, the fleet manager told Reuters on Wednesday. Henrik Pedersen said the takeover by Alba Tanker ApS, which has the trustees of the bankrupt company on its board, is part of the process of securing assets for the estate. Denmark's OW Bunker had been the largest marine fuel supplier in the world. "We are not a very big part of the company," Pedersen said by telephone.
Seacor Takes Delivery of 10,800 HP Crewboat

Seacor Marine is building ever larger and more powerful mono-hull crew/supply boats. The first of these to be delivered is the 202x34-foot Alex F. McCall with some very impressive statistics. With a length between perpendiculars of 186 feet and a 13-foot molded depth the new vessel has a light ship displacement of 277 long tons (281.45 mt). Interior capacities include 92,418 US gallons of fuel, (349.8 cubic meters), 10,848 US gallons of drill /fresh water (41.1 cu. met.) and 3,200 US gal.
Diana Extends Containership Time Charters
Diana Containerships Inc. Diana Containerships Inc., a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of containerships, today announced that, through two separate wholly-owned subsidiaries…
MSC Approves SOLAS Amendments
The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), which met at the Organization's London headquarters for its 94th session, from November 17-21…
Kings Point Student Earns NMRA Scholarship

The National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA) recently awarded its second $500 scholarship to a student pursuing education in the marine industry and maritime trades. Jacqueline Weymann, of Kings Point, New York, was honored in a presentation made by NMRA past president Norm MacLeod, ComMar Sales vice-president. Originally from San Diego, California, Midshipman Weymann is a student at the…
WRRDA: Clearing the Channel for P3 Projects
Earlier this year, the U.S. maritime industry in general, and the inland waterways industry in particular, celebrated the long-awaited passage of the Water Resources…
Choosing the Best Financing Proposal
It isn’t always about the rate. In a robust boatbuilding market – like the one we see now – even the most successful, financially stable operators need to borrow.
Night Moves on America's Waterways
Overnight operations are certainly not unusual on America’s inland waterways, but that doesn’t make them any less hazardous. Onboard activities that seem so straightforward…
Production Begins on Sovcomflot’s New MPSV
The production of the icebreaking multipurpose supply vessel for Sovcomflot was started with steel cutting on November 26, 2014. The ceremony took place at Vyborg Shipyard…
A Classic Repower

The tug Falcon was built by Modern Marine Inc. in 1978. In the intervening years, companies that employed her have changed hands a number of times until 2013 when Vane Line Bunkering of Baltimore, Maryland purchased Kirby Marine’s Philadelphia bunkering division. The parent company, Vane Brothers, immediately began plans to update and upgrade the classic 75x25-foot tug. Central to this was the repower of the vessel.
Fourth Rig Delivered to Perforadora Central

Keppel AmFELS LLC, a wholly owned US subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), has delivered the jackup rig, Coatzacoalcos, to Mexico’s Central Panuco S.A. De C.V., a subsidiary of Mexico's Perforadora Central S.V. De C.V. (Perforadora Central) on time, within budget and with zero loss time incidents. The rig was christened today at Keppel AmFELS’ yard in Brownsville, Texas by Lady Sponsor…
Stena Bulk Joins World Ocean Council

Stena Bulk reports it is the first Swedish shipping company to join the World Ocean Council (WOC), a global organization that converges a diverse range of maritime operations to promote the sustainable use of the world’s oceans. The World Ocean Council encourages the business community to assume collective responsibility for the seas, and does not believe that a single company or industry can alone solve problems related to the Arctic, marine debris and ocean noise from tankers.

The CMA CGM Group has acquired the German shipping company Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rhederei GmbH & Co. KG (OPDR), CMA CGM founder, chairman and CEO Jacques R. Saadé announced during his visit in Hamburg, Germany on November 25. The closing of the transaction remains subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities. OPDR, a shipping company owned by the Bernhard Schulte Group…
Sunken WWII Landing Craft Refloated

LCT 7074, the last known landing craft to survive the D-Day invasion in 1944, has been refloated as part of a project to lift and save the vessel which began in March 2014, almost exactly four years to the day after she had sunk. The vessel, which came out of service at the end of the WWII after numerous deployments to the Normandy beaches, was converted to a naval repair facility for a short while, and then became a floating nightclub berthed in Liverpool from around 1950.
BMT Supports Samalaju Port Development

BMT subsidiaries in the Asia-Pacific region have been awarded a contract to provide design expertise for an advanced bulk-material handling system for the emerging port of Samalaju in East Malaysia. Samalaju Port is being developed by Bintulu Port Holdings Bhd as part of the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy at an investment of approximately $550 million. Companies involved in silicon, manganese…
Glosten Designing Vigor’s Alaska Class Ferries
Seattle-based naval architecture consultancy Glosten has joined the list of North American companies utilizing Nupas-Cadmatic, a CAD/CAM engineering software system…
Massive LNG Absorber Shipped to Malaysia

Successful transport of 1,480t absorber for biggest LNG plant worldwide in Malaysia. 1,480 tons and a high center of gravity made the transport of an absorber from the Malysian Bintulu port to the Petronas LNG production site a challenging task. Due to the unprecedented tilting stability of the Scheuerle SPMT, the load was transported to the production site safely, despite difficult road conditions and turns.
EU: Ships Will Measure CO2 Emissions
Shippers to begin monitoring from 2018; Environmental groups say law is weak, shippers favorable. The shipping sector will for the first time have to monitor its…
Matson Raises 2015 Westbound Hawaii Box Rates
Matson, Inc., a U.S. carrier in the Pacific, announced that Matson Navigation Company, Inc. (Matson) will raise its rates for the company's Hawaii service by $225…
Melbourne Box Pot Lining Up Bidders
Three of Australia's largest infrastructure funds plan to bid for the country's largest container terminal in a sale expected to fetch about A$5 billion ($4.27 billion) for Victoria state…