Denmark's Eekels Wins Slow Steaming Technology Prize
Eekels informs it has been awarded the TBI Innovation Prize 2013 for its “Slow Steaming” entry. The vote was taken at the TBI TOP250 and no less than 66% of those present voted for Eekels’ ingenious technical innovation. Eekels was one of the 3 nominees that had been chosen from 34 entries by a jury chaired by Maxime Verhagen (chairman of Bouwend Nederland, the Dutch Construction and Infrastructure Federation).
Navy's Efforts Focus on A-P Region & Arabian Gulf Says CNO
By operating from forward locations, the Navy and Marine Corps provide President Barack Obama with options to deal promptly with global contingencies, Navy Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, the chief of naval operations (CNO) explained during a hearing of the House Appropriations Committee's defense sub-committee, adding that Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James F. "As we conclude over a decade of wars and bring our ground forces home from extended stability operations…