Gustav Reveals Gap in Marine Industry Preparations
According to the Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association, the Coast Guard, Corps of Engineers and inland barge industry have collaborated extensively since the 2005…
This Day in Naval History - Sept. 29
1944 - USS Narwhal (SS 167) evacuates 81 Allied prisoners of war that survived the sinking of Japanese Shinyo Maru from Sindangan Bay, Mindanao. 1946 -Lockheed P2V Neptune…
USS Wasp Undocks Ahead of Schedule
USS Wasp (LHD 1), in Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) for an eight-month docking phased maintenance availability (DPMA), undocked Sept. 18, one day ahead of schedule.
NAVSEA Continues Hurricane Ike Relief Efforts
Supervisor of Salvage and Diving (SUPSALV), a directorate of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in Washington D.C. cleared the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) near Galveston…
Aker Philly Shipyard Build Methodologies Confirmed in Court Decision
In a decision filed by the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has upheld the United States Coast Guard interpretation of the Jones Act as…
GL Signs Multi-Purpose-Vessels in Bangladesh

Two 7,250 dwt multi-purpose-vessels are the latest addition to the orderbook of classification society Germanischer Lloyd. The ships will be built at Ananda Shipyard in Bangladesh for German shipowners Komrowski and Herrmann Lohmann Schiffahrt. Germanischer Lloyd Member of the Executive Board Dr Hermann J. Klein and Ananda Shipyard’s Managing Director Mrs. Afruja Bari signed the agreement at SMM in Hamburg. The two multi-purpose-vessels belong to a series of ten.
Cummings Issues Statement on Deepwater
Mr. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 6999, the Integrated Deepwater Program Reform Act of 2008.
Somali Pirates Demand $20M Ship Ransom
As an armed U.S. destroyer patrolled nearby and planes flew overhead, a Somali pirate spokesman demanded a $20m ransom to release a cargo ship loaded with Russian tanks, reports said.
Bollinger Awarded Contract for FRCs for Coast Guard

Bollinger has been selected to design and construct up to 34 Fast Response Cutters "Sentinel" Class (FRC) for the Coast Guard. The FRC, a new generation of USCG patrol boats, is a replacement for the Coast Guard ISLAND Class cutters that Bollinger built almost a quarter century ago. Bollinger CEO and Chairman of the Board, Donald “Boysie” Bollinger, said that the program, which is expected to last for approximately ten years…
NOL Bids for Hapag-Lloyd
Neptune Orient Lines Limited (NOL) confirmed it has submitted a binding bid to acquire the Hapag-Lloyd container shipping business. NOL submitted its bid to acquire…