Austal USA Apprenticeship Program Completes First Year
In June 2002, the fast expanding Austal USA yard, in Mobile, AL, introduced an apprenticeship program to its recruitment efforts. Since then, this program has introduced…
Stowaways Endangered by U.S. Shore Leave Policy
across the country show United States policies that endanger stowaways. Rights (CSR) in October. Department of Homeland Security. stowaways. shore leave because they posed a potential security risk.
Panama Canal Commits to Sustainable Development and the Environment
In a move affirming their commitment to sustainable development and the environment, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced today that Administrator Alberto Alemán Zubieta and Juan Hector DĂaz…
Technology: Transas Releases New Version of Engine Room Simulator
Transas commercially launched the latest version of its Engine Room Simulator, ERS 4000. The new simulator is enhanced with a number of new significant capabilities…
Profile: Benjamin Vickers: 175 Years & Counting
One wonders if, when Benjamin Randall Vickers went into business in 1828 as an agent selling oils and soaps, he had the prescience to see the ever growing need for…
Propulsion: Optimizing Feed Rates For Crosshead Diesels
ExxonMobil introduced a program to optimize cylinder oil feed rates in low-speed (crosshead) diesel engines. The "Feed Rate Optimization" program is designed to…
Product: Cradle Tweendecks Patent for Langh Ship
In the invention devised by Langh Ship, steel coils are transported on tweendecks that are equipped with integrated cradles. The method was granted a Finnish patent…
Feature: E-Ship: The Paperless Trail
Paperwork is, and always has been a necessary and essential aspect of ship operation. Indeed, the Barcelona Maritime Code of 1258 required ships carry clerks specifically…
ISU Presidents Urges Governments to Focus on Salvage
EU Members and coastal states worldwide are in danger of “losing the plot” over the response to the Prestige spill, according to the International Salvage Union (ISU).
Port Security Initiative Enters Phase Two
The Strategic Council on Security Technology announced the global rollout of Phase Two of the Smart and Secure Tradelanes (SST) initiative. In the last year, SST…
MHI Wins Gas Ship Order
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. reportedly won an order for four liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers from a shipping unit of British energy giant BP PLC, with the first due for delivery in 2006.
Malta Shakes Up Shipyard Business
Malta's government reportedly launched a wide-ranging reform of its loss-making shipyards to make the industry financially viable. This reform apparently means the…
Mitsui: Revenue Up, Profits Down
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co. reported that group net profit for the fiscal first half fell 6.3% from a year earlier to 2.51 billion yen despite a 6.6% rise in revenues to 199.64 billion yen.
QM2 Completes Final Sea Trials
Cunard Line's flagship Queen Mary 2 returned from the sea for the second time on Tuesday having successfully completed her final series of sea trials off the Brittany coast.
World Seaborne Trade Set for Record Year
World seaborne trade rebounded in 2002 to 5.89 billion tons, exceeding the previous record set in 2000, reports UNCTAD´s Review of Maritime Transport 2003, released recently.
Feature: New Potency in Electronic Control
German predilection for technological advance permeates all areas of primary business and industrial activity, to the undoubted benefit of the competitive standing of its international market players.
Feature: New Aluminum Marine Alloy Specification Developed
The Aluminum Association, Inc. The recent publication of the new specification - ASTM B928 High Magnesium Aluminum-Alloy Sheet & Plate for Marine Service - is the…
Feature: China: Growing Influence in All Matters Maritime
China's importance in the world maritime market has accelerated rapidly over the past decade, but it appears that current and near future growth will prove even more prolific.
Feature: Introducing Lean Shipbuilding to U.S. Yards
By Eugene Bradley Jr. Lean times call for "leaner" boats and what better to employ than Lean Shipbuilding, which is known as a proven approach that shipyards can…
Feature: NY Navigation Channels: The Really Big Dig
Boston can claim its new tunnel project as the "big dig", but the nearly $3 billion effort to dredge navigation channels in and around New York to 45 — and eventually 50 ft.
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