Navy Secretary Grants Governor's Request to Honor New York
Governor George E. the terrorist attacks. This new class of ship is currently under construction with the first to be commissioned in the spring of 2003. The amphibious…
Roy Anderson Corp. Secures Contract
Roy Anderson Corporation of Gulfport, Miss., is being awarded a contract worth $22,416,336 for Task Order 0002 under an indefinite-quantity to design and build. Air Force Base.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta to Present Medal
U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta will recognize the bravery, dedication and teamwork displayed last September and the 12 months since by the men and women in the U.S.
Port of Houston Delivers Strong Economic Indicators
million in state and local taxes, according to statistics calculated by Martin Associates, the consulting firm in Lancaster, PA that has conducted economic impact studies for 120 ports in the U.S.
Container Cranes Depart Seattle Via Barge
Two massive 180-ft. container cranes weighing 700 tons each departed Seattle on September 4 on a barge headed for the Dominican Republic. DBM (Donald B. Murphy) Contractors Inc.