Rib Report
AB Inflatables Delivers For Diversity Of Applications
Complete Tig Welding Systems in One Package
Miller Electric Mfg. Co. introduces the new TIGRunner package, which is a complete water-cooled TIG welding application system for its Syncrowave 250 DX and Syncrowave 350 LX TIG/Stick power sources.
Perkins Sabre Launches New Commercially-Rated Engines
Subsequent to the recent launching of several new commercially-rated engines, the latest additions to the Perkins Sabre range are the M85T, M92 and M115T. Continuing…
Spence Offers New Line of Safety Valves
Spence Engineering Company, Inc., announced a new line of Safety Valves featuring a soft seat for tighter shutoff in those applications where the operating pressure…
Memco Barge Line Sold for $270M
American Electric Power Co. Inc. signed a definitive agreement with Progress Energy Inc. to buy its MEMCO Barge Line Inc. for $270 million, in a deal AEP said would immediately add to its earnings.
NAVSEA Divers Help Raise History
Naval Sea Systems Command divers, along with National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration divers lifted a piece of naval history out of 240 ft of water off the coast of Cape Hatteras .
Coast Guard Tries to Fix Towboat Licensing Rule Problems
The USCG published Interim Rules concerning new licensing regulations for Towing Vessels on November 19, 1999. These rules were generated in order to improve the safety record of the towing industry.
Palmer Johnson, Atlantic Dry Dock Team Up
Palmer Johnson Savannah and Atlantic Dry Dock Corp. have entered into a joint effort via a letter of intent for the establishment of Palmer Johnson @Atlantic (PJA)…
Grand Bahama Floating Dock Departs Cascade
Grand Bahama Shipyard's Floating Dock No. two, known as the former Portland Floating Dock No. four, left the Cascade General Portland Shipyard in Oregon on Friday…
WQIS Marks 30th Anniversary
The U.S. has the most stringent, comprehensive marine pollution laws of any country on the planet. The last 30 years have marked an evolution from little legal enforcement…
Crowley, Triunfo To Establish Joint Venture
Crowley Marine Services and Triunfo Operadora Portuaria Ltd., intend to form a joint venture to operate a deepwater logistics base in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Captain Bill III Repowers for Savings
On the first 24-hour charter trip this May 5, the repowered 110-ft.Capt. Bill III achieved speeds over 25 knots and used 240 gallons less fuel than with the old engines.
Navy Repowers RIBs for Use as Minesweepers
Mine sweeping is no longer solely reliant on wooden hulled mine sweepers. The U.S. Navy has developed a method that involves a Sokorski helicopter towing a catamaran…
Gladding-Hearn Delivers Cape Fear Pilot Boat
Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, The Duclos Corporation, has delivered a new pilot boat, Cape Fear Pilot II, to the Wilmington-Cape Fear Pilots Association. The new launch…
Elliott Bay Develops Eco-Tourism Vessel
Elliott Bay Design Group (EBDG) has created a design for a new 230 ft. (70.1 m), 127-passenger Eco-tourism vessel for Nisa Navegacion of Santiago, Chile. Known as Mare Australis…
Human-Powered Sub Races Held At Navy Lab
The U.S. Navy's David Taylor Model Basin provided the setting for the sixth running of the International Human-Powered Submarine Races (ISR), a biennial engineering design competition…
Bids Are Sought For New Research Catamaran
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is soliciting proposals for the construction of a new catamaran research boat for the Channel Islands…
Trailer Bridge Study Culminates In New Tug Contracts
Following a detailed six-month study assessing its contract towing requirements, Trailer Bridge, Inc. signed separate long-term agreements that match the best marine…
White House Is Confident Of Senate Approval for Alaskan Drilling
The White House is confident its plans to open an Alaskan wildlife refuge to oil and natural gas production will win approval in the Senate in September, an administration official said on Wednesday.
Navy Divers Ready To Recover Remains From Doomed Ehime Maru
U.S. Navy divers said on Wednesday that they are ready to search for bodies trapped inside the wreck of a Japanese fishing vessel when it was rammed by a U.S. nuclear submarine.