BP Amoco Wins Bids On Australian Acreage
BP Petroleum Developments (NWS) Pty Ltd., the Australian exploration arm of BP Amoco Plc, has reportedly bid successfully on three Canning Basin blocks off the coast of Western Australia.
“Pac-Man” Takeover Defense Now Rare
A rare hostile takeover defense that emerged last week in Europe took root in the U.S. in the 1980s, but has mostly been replaced by other tactics used by companies…
Arab Maritime Seeks $120-M Loan For New Tankers
Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Co. is reportedly raising $120 million to partly finance new tankers for its fleet and to help refinance existing loans, bankers said on Sunday.
Sea-Land Deal Boosts Moeller Shares
A.P. Moeller’s acquisition of CSX Corp.’s Sea-Land’s international shipping operations is reportedly positive for the group’s shares and future position in world shipping.
Daewoo Founder Watches Empire Disintegrate
Kim Woo-choong, founding chairman of Daewoo Group, seems destined to preside over the dissolution of South Korea’s second largest conglomerate, an empire that lived…
Cruise Ship Orders Could Outstrip Demand
Cruise ship berth supply will reportedly exceed demand growth if new orders continue at their current level, according to shipping analysts.