Shipbuilder Hosts Competition for STEM Students of the Future

April 27, 2012

 Newport News Shipbuilding hosts city-wide 'Egg Drop Engineering Competition'

Huntington Ingalls Industries' Newport News Shipbuilding division partnered with Newport News Public Schools  to host the first Egg Drop Engineering Competition for middle and high school students. The event was sponsored by the NNS Career Pathways program.

Photo credit: HII
Photo credit: HII

"Newport News Shipbuilding is delighted to collaborate with Newport News Public Schools to host this competition," said Jennifer McClain, NNS Career Pathways program manager. "Our partnership gives the shipyard the opportunity to provide input in preparing students for STEM careers. This particular activity is a highlight for our volunteer shipbuilders to engage our youth in a manner that makes engineering principles fun for students."

Egg drop competitions were held at all of the Newport News high schools and middle schools throughout the school year. About 70 students representing the winning teams from each school faced off to determine the overall egg drop champion. The teams created capsules using materials such as paper cups, cardboard, newspaper and tape to hold their eggs.

The middle school teams' eggs were dropped 12 feet onto asphalt; the high school teams' eggs were dropped 18 feet onto asphalt. In addition to being judged on the integrity of the egg following the drop, students were judged on their team presentations describing the materials they used and how career readiness skills such as teamwork, communication and positive attitude helped to build their capsule.

"Newport News Shipbuilding has been an outstanding business partner with Newport News Public Schools in its quest to ensure that all students graduate college, career and citizen ready," said Ann Ifekwunigwe, Newport New Public Schools Career Pathways supervisor. "The Egg Drop Engineering Competition is one of many examples of the shipyard's commitment to enhancing students' learning through meaningful, hands-on experiences."



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