Dutch See Rise in Russian LNG Imports, Urge Further Sanctions

September 23, 2024

Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia at the Netherlands' main terminal in Rotterdam have risen in recent months, underlining the need for further sanctions, the Dutch government said on Monday.

Imports of Russian LNG at the GATE terminal in Europe's largest sea port have increased in the third quarter, as the average number of Russian carriers that arrived there doubled to two per month, the government said.

© Björn Wylezich / Adobe Stock
© Björn Wylezich / Adobe Stock

This increase could be an effect of new sanctions that came into effect this summer, it said, prohibiting the throughput of Russian LNG from the EU to countries outside the union - but not the import of it for EU countries themselves.

This has likely shifted trading routes to terminals with sufficient capacity for EU imports, such as the one in Rotterdam, Dutch Energy minister Sophie Hermans said in a letter to parliament.

"We want to responsibly cut Russian gas imports and this development is therefore worrying and undesirable," Hermans said. "A common European approach is crucial," she added.

Hermans said she would discuss the need for further sanctions at the next gathering of EU energy ministers on Oct. 15, with the aim of getting it on the agenda of the council of government leaders, who ultimately decide on sanctions.

Hermans said she also expected the European Commission to clarify in coming months how countries can take targeted measures themselves.

(Reuters - Reporting by Bart Meijer; Editing by Susan Fenton)

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