Foss Maritime Vessels Receive Safety Award

June 24, 2016

The Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) has recognized 73 vessels of Foss Maritime and their subsidiary companies with the 2015 Jones F. Devlin award for outstanding safety records.

The Jones F. Devlin Award is one of two award programs CSA has sponsored since 1968. The award is given to self-propelled merchant vessels that have operated for two full years or more without a crew member involved in a lost-time incident. It publicly recognizes the skill and dedication of the men and women who are responsible for safe vessel operations. 
The 73 Foss vessels were recognized at the CSA Annual Safety Awards Luncheon held this year on June 8 in New Orleans. Altogether, the Foss and subsidiary company vessels achieved the equivalent of 562 years of incident-free operation. Sixty-one vessels had five or more years, and eighteen vessels boasted 10 to 22 years without a lost-time injury.  

"This year, awards were conferred on 1522 vessels that operated 10,084 years without a lost-time incident," said Kathy Metcalf, CSA President. "This extraordinary record is directly attributable to the professionalism of our seafarers and the dedication of shore-based company personnel to safe operation. These mariners are the front line in ensuring the safe and environmentally responsible operation of the vessels on which they serve."

"Foss does not take safety lightly," said Paul Stevens, Foss president and CEO. "We carry a deep obligation to the safety of our people and the environment, and this is evident in everything we do. We're constantly improving and adding to our safety programs, training, resources and operations. We want every one of our valuable people to return home safely, and we do all that we can to make sure that happens."

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