DESMI Launches Ballast Water Testing Services

September 5, 2024

DESMI announced it is now offering advanced ballast water testing, analysis and evaluation services to help shipowners verify the quality of onboard ballast water to comply with the Ballast Water Discharge Standard.

The company said it signed a contract with Eurofins Maritime Services, a part of the international group of Eurofins-laboratories, known for its wide range of analytical testing services across various industries, including the marine sector. The contract was finalized on September 4 during the SMM maritime trade show in Hamburg, Germany.

(Photo: DESMI)
(Photo: DESMI)

DESMI, which manufacturers ballast water management systems (BWMS) and other solutions for the maritime market, said the partnership allows it to offer an additional layer of convenience its customers, seamlessly integrating testing services into routine maintenance and service visits, or as a standalone service.

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