Blue Wasp Marine Unveils Pelican Suite Software

March 24, 2025

Wind assisted ship propulsion (WASP) pioneer Blue Wasp Marine announced the launch of its latest software tool, Pelican Suite, which will enable vessel owners, operators and charterers to assess and optimize a range of WASP solutions.

Pelican Suite hosts a collection of tools to assess the suitability of WASP solutions, both pre- and post-installation. It provides important insights such as the probability that a certain rudder angle or grid load is exceeded, or which routes are more favorable for wind assistance. 

Blue Wasp Marine announced the launch of
Blue Wasp Marine announced the launch of its latest software tool, Pelican Suite. Credit: Blue Wasp Marine

Regarding pre-installation, Pelican Suite compares the impact of different WASP solutions on vessel operations as well as on compliance with regulations such as Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and FuelEU. Pelican Suite provides information on fuel savings and reveals the expected payback period associated with a WASP installation.

Post installation, Pelican Suite helps monitor performance, benchmarking and optimization of a WASP system.

The new software is based on Blue Wasp’s Pelican software, which has been successfully employed in more than 50 projects. The software leverages an extensive database of wind propulsion systems, including Rotorsails, Wingsails, Suction Wings and Kitesails. This is combined with a comprehensive dataset of vessel types. Pelican is the first software tool of its kind to be recognized by a classification society, having been awarded approval in principle (AiP) from RINA.

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