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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

V-Model in Software Engineering

Posted to Maritime Reporter (by on May 1, 2022

Free Analyst report: From spiral to v-model in marine

Industry changes require new tools

As the marine industry faces new challenges, the industry should consider moving from the design spiral to the v-model approach to design

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Moving from design spiral to v-model

The marine industry is facing new environmental, safety and regulatory pressures and the need to create ever-better ship designs. The standard design spiral isn't the most efficient way to work in today's conditions. 

Enter: the V-model. 

The V-model approach recognizes that decisions made in each step of the design process affect future choices. It also is built on the understanding that the design process is iterative and collaborative. 

Learn more about how the V-model approach can be applied to the marine in the latest brief in our marine industry 2030 series with Monica Schnitger of Schnitger Corp.

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