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Numbers help us get into SHAPE

Posted to Maritime Reporter (by on September 21, 2020

SHAPE is Hempel's unique hull performance monitoring solution that allows you to make smart decisions and see the efficiency and performance gains of coating investments.

Image c/o Hempel

When seeking to enhance business performance, data matters. By simply having clear benchmarks and measurements to work from, shipowners and operators are in a better position to analyse their performance – for their ships, products and services. Numbers also matter and as the industry continues to embrace big data, access to rich granular information opens doors to new operational efficiencies. Using data correctly can deliver tangible savings across an entire fleet.
It is well known how fouling can dramatically impact a ships hydrodynamics. An increase in frictional resistance from the roughness caused by even minimal growth on a ship’s hull can result in an increase in fuel consumption by one to two per cent. Seaweed growth will increase fuel requirements by up to 10 per cent, and heavier fouling such as shells, barnacles, oysters and mussels can lead to a massive hike in fuel consumption of up to 40 per cent, as the ship burns more fuel just to maintain a given speed.
A variety of factors including water temperature, nutrients, light and vessel speed will affect the intensity of organic growth on a ship’s hull and investing in an advanced coating will limit, and in some cases almost prevent entirely, any fouling. But hull performance monitoring and analysis offers a whole new level of operational efficiency intelligence. This is why Hempel, the worldwide coatings manufacturer, has launched a service called SHAPE – Systems for Hull and Propeller Efficiency. SHAPE uses in-service performance KPIs to track long-term trends that generate important data for fact-based decisions.
How it works
SHAPE, founded on the ISO 19030 framework, is a process of measurement over time. Six key stages comprise the SHAPE measuring and monitoring system. First, the vessel’s individual speed power reference curves are established. This is followed by collecting in-service data which is then cleansed and purified to eliminate extreme operating conditions and the effects of environmental factors.

NNext, a precise speed loss calculation is made. This is a critical measure for understanding vessel performance and fuel efficiency as power increase and speed loss are directly related. From this, the four KPIs are calculated.

  • Dry docking performance – calculates the changes in hull and propeller performance over drydocking periods.
  • In service performance – calculates the effectiveness of the vessel’s hull and propeller solutions.
  • Maintenance trigger – calculates the change in hull and propeller performance over a given period between drydocking and in-service use.
  • Maintenance effect – calculates the change in hull and propeller performance before and after a maintenance event.

Following this in-depth analysis, empel can offer solid, valuable technical advice to the shipowner or operator. Advising them on the operational decisions they can take to positively impact their fuel efficiency and ensure best practice in vessel maintenance, tailored to each vessel’s specific needs. These operational savings can be offered to every operator, regardless of the age, size or operating pattern of the vessel. What’s more, using the SHAPE methodology allows those savings to be refined and re-delivered year on year.

This use of big data means that shipowners and operators are much better positioned to validate operational performance across all aspects of their vessel activities. By using intelligent software, owners and operators are now suitably equipped to compete more effectively in the current challenging operating landscape. 

SHAPE at a glance:

  • A tailored hull performance programme with a dedicated Hempel performance analyst.
  • Expert data interpretation and advice from empel’s team of chemists, physicists and hydrodynamicists.
  • Key performance indicators based on speed loss measurements to track performance gains over time.
  • Monitored and guaranteed speed loss – directly related to fuel savings – applicable for hull coatings specified for up to 60 months dry docking intervals.
  • Transparent cost-effective performance monitoring following the ISO 19030 methodology.

Learn more about Hempel's hull performance monitoring system: SHAPE