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Thursday, September 26, 2024

MaX fuel efficiency

Posted to Maritime Reporter (by on June 8, 2020

Hempaguard MaX offers an important step forward in efficiency as it provides a significantly lower average hull roughness.

Operating at peak efficiency is a goal that all shipowners and operators strive to achieve. This not only drives key decision-making processes, during these turbulent times it also delivers longevity and endurance. Now is the time to choose solutions that add value for the long term.

There are many elements of a vessel that can be enhanced to maximise efficiency – and this includes both operational control as well as fundamental design features. Hull coatings are an integral part of this picture. Unsurprisingly, the more advanced coating solutions will offer better protection for longer periods and this will have a positive impact on fuel efficiency. One of the most advanced coatings available today is Hempaguard MaX, delivered by worldwide coatings manufacturer, Hempel.
Fouling creates frictional resistance, which means that a vessel uses more fuel to maintain a given speed. At its worst, fouling can increase engine power requirements by close to 20 per cent over five years. This results in increased emissions and a significant financial cost. This is where a coating solution such as Hempaguard MaX can make all the difference.
This innovative three coat system generates savings that could payback the cost of the coating within just three months1.
A unique solution
Hempaguard MaX offers an important step forward in efficiency as it provides a significantly lower average hull roughness. The resulting ultra-smooth hull reduces drag and fuel consumption. Its improved fouling protection delivers a guaranteed maximum speed loss2 of 1.2 per cent over five years (according to the ISO 19030). For application, Hempaguard MaX is applied in just three layers and this potentially reduces dry docking time by up to two days compared to a conventional silicone system, saving more time and money.

Setting this system apart is its effectiveness in all water temperatures - from the Caribbean to the Baltic - and at all vessel speeds making it the only universal solution that delivers unrivalled performance efficiencies. This facilitates full trading flexibility for ship operators across the world.

The three coats comprising Hempaguard MaX are; Hempaprime Immerse 900, tie-coat Nexus II, and Hempaguard X8. The topcoat - Hempaguard X8 – drives the exceptional antifouling performance and incorporates Hempel’s patented Actiguard technology that combines the smoothness of a silicone coating with an improved fouling defence solution.
Proven technology
This pioneering technology was first used in the revolutionary Hempaguard X7 fouling defence solution. Since its launch in 2013, this coating has been applied to over 1,500 vessels enabling those owners to collectively reduce their annual bunker bill by more than USD 500 million and, cut CO2 emissions by more than 10 million tonnes - this is no mean feat.
As we continue to operate in an uncertain and volatile trading and economic environment, being able to operate flexibly – both geographically and operationally – is vital. By maximising efficiency, both in drydock and out of dock, shipowners and operators will emerge stronger and more able to trade in the new market conditions.  
Hempaguard MaX at a glance:

Powerful advanced fouling defence coating system with increased smoothness.

  • Low Average Hull Roughness driven by the whole coating system – improving fuel efficiency and boosting out of dock fuel savings.
  • 1.2 per cent maximum guaranteed speed loss2 over five years. 
  • Enhanced anti-corrosive capabilities.
  • Three coat system that saves up to two days in dock – saving time and money.
  • Improved idle time antifouling guarantee of 120 days.

1Based on a VLCC with activity level of 70 per cent and burning low sulphur fuel costing 35 per cent more than standard bunker fuel over a five-year life cycle. Hempaguard MaX system delivers an annual saving of around USD 1.8 million compared to a market average antifouling. This equates to a ROI (return on investment) of three months.
2Speed loss: If a vessel’s main engine is set at a certain power output, it will propel the ship through the water at a certain speed. Over time, fouling accumulation will increase drag and cause the speed of the ship to reduce even if the main engine power output remains constant. This reduction in speed is termed “speed loss”.
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