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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Crew Connectivity: Recruiting Tomorrow’s Seafarers

Posted to Maritime Reporter (by on June 4, 2023

Understanding and meeting the needs of the Gen Z mariner for recruiting and retention

The 2021 Seafarer Workforce Report describes a shortage of 16,500 officers and 26,000 crew in the maritime industry, with shortages predicted through 2026. Who will fill these crucial gaps to become the captains and crew we desperately need on our commercial vessels?  Gen Z, born between 1996 and 2015, will make up 27% of the workforce by 2025.  It is vital that we understand this new generation, their use of technology, and their innate need to communicate.  

Communication is a key factor in The Seafarers Happiness Index for Q1 2023.  The report was encouraging in some areas.  However, overall seafarer satisfaction dropped in every area except connectivity.  Seafarers are happy with advancements in connectivity technology and report that it is easier and more affordable to stay in touch with friends and family while at sea.  They also report that online access relieves stress and allows them to maintain connections with those on land.  But even with these improvements, crew report issues with data allowances, speed, and availability of online access.  Clearly, connectivity is top of mind for today’s seafarers, and connectivity solutions on board your vessels will be key to recruiting and retaining the crew of the future.

How can you ensure your connectivity solutions will help you recruit and retain the Gen Z mariner?  This white paper discusses four key considerations:

  • The importance of recognizing the changing trends in connectivity
  • How to collaborate with both HR and IT departments
  • The benefit of taking a holistic viewpoint toward connectivity solutions
  • How to build value and secure buy-in from key stakeholders

Download your copy today, and recruit and retain the workforce you need to grow your business in an ever-changing world.