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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

UK P&I Club Welcomes Standard & Poor’s Upgrade

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 20, 2012

The UK P&I Club (the UK Club), one of the oldest shipping protection and indemnity insurance mutuals, has welcomed an announcement by the ratings agency Standard and Poor’s upgrading the UK Club’s outlook from “Stable” to “Positive.”

In its review, Standard and Poor’s said: “The positive outlook reflects our expectation that the UK Club’s stronger and more stable underwriting performance of 2011 and 2012 will continue through 2013-2015.”

It also noted the Club’s improved operating performance as evidenced by the combined ratio, strength of management strategy, and the improvement in its competitive position.

Dino Caroussis, Chairman of the UK P&I Club, said: “This is a welcome endorsement by S&P of the UK Club’s efforts to maintain balanced underwriting and a strong capital position in an environment of rising claims costs and volatile investments. “We are dedicated to our goal of being the leading shipowner controlled provider of marine liability insurance and maintaining our level of capital within the AA range of Standard & Poor’s capital model.”

Hugo Wynn-Williams, chief executive of Club managers Thomas Miller P&I Ltd, said: “Our return to the top level of the P&I market has been rewarded by increased support from new and existing Members. However, we will continue to focus on breakeven underwriting and careful management of our risks; from monitoring the UK Club’s entry criteria, an extensive loss prevention program, and strong claims management, through to the purchase of reinsurance to protect against potential spikes in claims.

“The UK Club has maintained its disciplined approach to underwriting and risk selection as evidenced by a further solid underwriting performance. The last four policy years have achieved an average combined ratio below 100 per cent.”
The UK Club’s funds have continued to strengthen in the first half of 2012 with free reserves and capital increasing a further $8 million to $494 million at 20th August 2012. The UK Club is one of the strongest clubs financially in the International Group of P&I Clubs with a free reserve ratio of 167 per cent.