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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

VIDEO: Tanker Runs Aground in Singapore Strait

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 31, 2022

Djibouti-registered tanker YOUNG YONG ran aground off Takong Kecil in the Riau Islands,  Indonesia in the Singapore Strait at around 2020h on 26 October, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) said Monday. The master of the tanker informed the MCA of the grounding.

According to MPA. before the grounding, MPA's Port Operations Control Centre (POCC) issued early shallow water warnings through its Vessel Traffic Information System (VTIS) to the tanker on the potential risk of its  grounding. MPA also said it had alerted the Indonesian authorities immediately after the incident happened.Credit: 

"The Indonesian authorities are leading refloatation efforts for the  tanker, as well as preventive efforts against possible oil spills, as  the vessel had grounded in Indonesian waters," MPA Singapore said.

"Navigation through the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Singapore  Strait is not affected. There is no report of injuries nor oil  pollution, and MPA’s patrol crafts are monitoring for any oil spill  pollution within Singapore Port Limits. MPA's POCC is also issuing  safety broadcasts to warn transiting vessels to keep clear of the  location of the grounded tanker," MPA said.
