Order to Trial EVTN Underwater Voraxial Separator
Enviro Voraxial Technology, Inc. has received a purchase order to deploy the underwater version of EVTN’s high volume Voraxial 4000 Separator. EVTN envisions its underwater design as the core technology for an advanced generation of skimmer vessels to facilitate the Gulf clean-up effort and to effectively protect the environment from future offshore oil spills. Other technologies that have been deployed in the Gulf followed a similar trial process.
The new Underwater Voraxial oil recovery method allows the operator to separate oil from water in the ocean. By conducting the separation in the ocean, the vessels can skim oil for 10 times longer since the amount of water collected in the holding tanks is reduced by 90%. The collected oil will be discharged into a holding tank while the clean water remains in the ocean. This differs substantially from the current methods of skimming large volumes of oil/water mixture and then conducting the separation on a vessel. Implementing this new method enables the new fleet of vessels to process significantly more volume of skimmed oil/water mixture, collect more oil, capture a higher concentration of oil and remain in operation longer.
Additionally, some of the inherent characteristics of the Voraxial - specifically high volume, small footprint and low energy requirements, can convert virtually any vessel of opportunity into skimming vessels. For instance, two model Voraxial 4000 Separators that processes oer 1,400,000 gallons of oil/water mixture per day can be secured onto a fishing boat. Over 21,000,000 gallons per day can be processed by three model Voraxial 8000 Separators. These new skimming vessels can now operate in open waters as well as shallow waters close to shore.
This new Underwater Voraxial will allow a fleet of high volume Voraxial skimmer vessels to effectively contain and clean current and future oil spills. Deployment of this Underwater Recovery System will be a benefit to the numerous sensitive ecosystems threatened by this crisis.
EVTN is developing an advanced Voraxial Skimmer Vessel. This Vessel, less than 40 ft in length, could deploy twin Voraxial 4000 Underwater Separators with a combined 1,400,000 gallons per day capacity. A similar Vessel with twin Voraxial 8000 Underwater Separators will have a capacity of 14,000,000 gallons per day. The unique advantages of this design provide every offshore platform, drilling rig, tanker, marina and port a compact, high volume oil recovery method that can be stored onsite and quickly deployed.