Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Toro Transfer Device for U.S. Market

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

June 30, 2009

Reflex Marine recently launched its Toro personnel transfer device to the US market with a demonstration, hosted by its service partner, Energy Cranes, at its facility in Houston, Texas.

Each of the two demonstration sessions started with a presentation on the product and its safety features followed by practical lifting sessions so that the Toro passengers could experience the entry, lifting, landing and exiting procedures first hand.

Following close consultation within the industry, the company set out to develop a low cost transfer device to reach a broader market, but still maintain high levels of passenger protection and operational performance.

The Toro can carry up to four passengers, protecting them from side impacts and heavy landings, and is buoyant and self-righting.  The Toro is certified with CE marking and is ABS Type Approved.

Energy Cranes played an important role in the demonstration as the host of the event. The Toro continued its world tour and was also at the recent Oil & Gas Asia exhibition in Kula Lumpur where it was launched to over 22,000 delegates.
