Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Terrorism and Oil Response Drill Set for Port of Duluth

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 31, 2006

A multi-agency anti-terrorism and oil spill response drill will took place Wednesday and Thursday at the Naval Reserve Center. The United States Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Duluth, in coordination with the transportation industry, the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and local area police, fire and emergency management agencies will conduct a full scale anti-terrorism and oil spill response exercise at various pre-designated sites within the Duluth-Superior area. Another player in the exercise will be the Minnesota National Guard, they will mobilize vehicles and uniformed personnel.

The exercise scenario is not based on any credible threat. The United States Coast Guard and its state and local area partners conduct emergency preparedness and response exercises every year as part of established multi-year strategies to build capabilities and improve readiness levels. Planning, training and exercising are important components of the nation's homeland security strategy. The 2006 Kitchi Gummi Guardian Full-Scale Exercise (FSE) is a part of the Area Maritime Security Training and Exercise Program (AMSTEP) and the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP). The goal of the exercise is to validate current processes in the Western Lake Superior Area Maritime Security Plan (AMSP) and the Western Lake Superior Area Contingency Plan (ACP).