APM Terminals Observe Global Safety Day
With an emphasis on personal responsibility for safety, with the slogan “Intervention: If you see it - You own it”, the 7th 'Global Safety Day' has been held by the APM Terminals Network with a focus from APM Terminals Bahrain.
“It’s about taking personal responsibility, not passing the buck or hoping somebody else will take action to avoid an unsafe situation. The leadership of APM Terminals is fully behind the ongoing expansion of our Safety Culture around the world; everyone has the right to stop the operation, everybody has the responsibility to intervene to avoid the risk of accidents” explained APM Terminals Safety Activist, Martin Poulsen, who participated in the Global Safety Day activities at APM Terminals Bahrain.
Other APM Terminals senior leaders also travelled across the world to take part in local Global Safety Day observations to demonstrate the company’s commitment at both global and local levels.
The combined APM Terminals operations saw Lost-Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) decline by 43% in 2012 to 2.42 per million man-hours worked. Year-to-date, APM Terminals’ LTIF rate has decreased further to 2 per million man-hours worked, less than half of the 4.45 LTIF rate recorded in 2010. This year has also seen a 25% reduction in high- severity incidents compared with last year.