Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg agreed to cooperate on deep sea technology for oil and gas exploration and maritime sector.
Norway has been advanced on deep sea technology and Indonesia thinks it is beneficial to have cooperation in this sector because many of its oil reserve are located in deep sea," Indonesian Energy and Mines Minister Sudirman Said said.
Most of Indonesia's oil and gas reserves are located in deep sea in the eastern part of the country.
The minister said that Indonesia's state oil and gas firm PT Pertamina and Norway's state company State Oil would cooperate in implementing the plan.
Both Indonesia and Norway plan to cooperate in establishing hydro power plants in Sumba Island of Indonesia, renewable energy and combating illegal fishing, President Widodo said.
Both countries have also agreed to increase cooperation against illegal fishing activities, especially in the fields of technology and funding.
"They are very advanced with regard to monitoring and security. We will help them with technology, funding, and others," Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Susi Pudjiastuti said.
She noted that countries across the world are striving to eradicate illegal fishing, especially those that have implemented a sustainable management system to make their fishing resources better.