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Raven Meets Urgent Navy Surveillance Need

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

June 11, 2013

Aerostar Tethered Aerostat System: Photo credit Raven Industries

Aerostar Tethered Aerostat System: Photo credit Raven Industries

Raven Aerostar recently concluded a successful maritime operation in response to an urgent requirement from the Commander, U.S. Navy South for a maritime persistent surveillance solution aimed to enhance security in the Caribbean Basin.

Quickly meeting the requirements provided by U.S. Navy South, Raven Aerostar deployed a turnkey Maritime Persistent Surveillance Solution featuring a Raven Aerostar Tethered Aerostat System integrated with a state-of-the-art Vista Smart Sensing Radar System, a General Dynamics electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) camera, and a data link aboard the High-Speed Vessel -- SWIFT (HSV-2).

Departing from Key West, Fla. onboard the flight deck of the HSV-2, Raven Aerostar's Maritime Persistent Surveillance Solution was deployed to support U.S. Southern Command's international effort to provide surveillance in the Caribbean Sea.

This successful operation builds on the continued international engagement of Raven Aerostar, and their wholly owned subsidiary, Vista Research, providing cost effective, persistent surveillance solutions that leverage tethered aerostats integrated with radars and other surveillance capabilities to enhance regional security in both land and maritime environments.

"The Aerostar aerostat system is a proven technology providing key situational awareness in a given area through its radar and EO/IR payloads," stated Ted J. Venable, CN Program Manager/Unmanned Aircraft
Systems Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Southern Command Commander, U.S. FOURTH Fleet.

"By incorporating this system on a moving vessel, it provided a broad picture of the surface and air traffic around the HSV SWIFT. This paid big dividends in extending the range of onboard systems on HSV SWIFT. The entire team of participants in this effort gained valuable experience and developed procedures to apply to future
deployments. We value the relationship that developed during this short deployment and plan similar efforts for future maritime applications."