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Russia Soon to Float Out New Nuclear Submarine

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

December 20, 2012

Russian Sub 'Alexander Nevsky': Photo credit Sevmash Shipyard

Russian Sub 'Alexander Nevsky': Photo credit Sevmash Shipyard

Russia’s Sevmash shipyard will float out a third 'Borey-class' strategic nuclear submarine, the 'Vladimir Monomakh' at year's end.

The Borey class submarines are expected to form the core of Russia's strategic submarine fleet, replacing the aging Project 941 (NATO Typhoon class) and Project 667 class (Delta-3 and Delta-4) boats. Russia plans to build eight Borey and Borey-A class subs by 2020, reports Ria Novosti.

Two Borey class vessels, the Yury Dolgoruky and the Alexander Nevsky, have been already built and are undergoing sea trials.

The Yury Dolgoruky was expected to join the Russian Navy by the end of this year, but tests carried out during the latest sea trials revealed a number of technical flaws. For instance, software glitches in the automated launch control system prevented further tests of the Bulava ballistic missile, the submarine’s main weapon.

A Borey class strategic submarine is 170 meters (580 feet) long, has a hull diameter of 13 meters (42 feet), a crew of 107, including 55 officers, a maximum depth of 450 meters (about 1,500 feet) and a submerged speed of about 29 knots.

All the Borey class strategic submarines will carry the Bulava ballistic missiles, up to 16 ballistic missiles with multiple warheads.

The subs will be assigned to Russia’s Northern and Pacific fleets.