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La Spezia CT Wraps up Asian Tour

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 31, 2015


Senior executives from Italy’s La Spezia Container Terminal - Contship Italia Group, wrapped up a whirlwind tour of key supply chain hubs in South East Asia and China this week with a presentation and networking event in Shanghai.

The purpose of the tour was to engage with logistics providers, freight forwarders and manufacturers to raise awareness and promote the benefits of La Spezia Homeport as the cargo gateway to Italy, Southern and Central Europe.

"We have emerged from this tour, which took in Singapore, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Shanghai, with the belief that it has provided an ideal opportunity for the global supply chain in these areas,” said Michael Cashman, Commercial Director of Contship Italia Group Maritime Terminals, “….. as we were able to introduce directly to the market the detail of efficient end-to-end options La Spezia is now providing for seaborne Asia-Italy, and an alternative routing for Southern Europe cargo. Crucially, we learned first-hand, through face-to-face dialogue with shippers and exporters, that we are on the right track to meet their requirements.

“The response was very encouraging. We believe our message, that there is a real alternative for shippers to get their cargo into Italy and Southern and Central Europe in order to ensure a safe, secure and efficient end to end supply chain, was well received.”

Cecilia Eckelmann-Battistello, President of Contship Italia, which operates six container terminals in the Mediterranean, led the delegation to Asia. In total, the delegation hosted nearly 150 regional executives from the supply chain sector at the by-invitation events.

“We talked to the many shippers and pipeline seniors about our uniquely expedient, privately owned intermodal connections for fast turnaround and onward movement of cargo into Italy and beyond,” said Ms Eckelmann-Battistello.“This is just Stage One of a series of events in areas where we are asking people to trust us with their business.

“We will be back in Asia, in other principal areas of cargo concentration, in 2016 to continue and expand on what we have started,”she confirmed.