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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

EU Supports Smart Solutions for Maritime Logistics Systems

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

July 22, 2011

The EU will co-finance with almost €2.5 million from the 2010 TEN-T Multi-Annual Call a study to analyse the bi-directional transfer of goods from central Europe to Mediterranean countries and ports through the combined use of Priority Project 24 (Railway axis Lyon/Genova-Basel-Duisburg-Rotterdam/Antwerpen) and the network of Motorways of the Sea (MoS). The goal is to create a “unique ICT multimodal corridor between northern and southern Europe” by virtually connecting PP24 with the Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea (MedMoS).

The aim of the TEN-T funded “Mos24” project, involving four EU Member States (Italy, France, Belgium and Malta), is to undertake a pilot action establishing a demonstrator of an interoperability platform (MoS24) for interconnecting existing ICT modules, making them interoperable and thus delivering a service to users through the virtual MoS24 Co-modality Promotion Centre. The new ICT tool will be used to better coordinate freight traffic flows and it will enhance the strategic role of PP24 as the main gate to Europe for the traffic of goods transported via MedMoS.

The new project will collaborate with other ICT projects established in the Mediterranean region to ensure a common approach, avoid duplications and optimise results for enhanced multimodal transport.