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Marine Tech Summit Set for Singapore

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 2, 2003

Challenges for the next decade in port and maritime research and development (R&D) and technology will be the focus of the 2nd International Conference on Port and Maritime R&D and Technology (ICPMRDT), to be held from 10-12 September 2003 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore. Five main sessions, which would be based on the theme "Port and Maritime R&D and Technology", will be featured at the 3-day conference. They are Port Development, Management and Operations; Coastal/Hydraulics Engineering; Marine Environment; Innovative Ship Designs and Operations; and Navigation and Maritime Training. These are key areas that offer great commercial potential for the maritime R&D and technology sector. The organisers, namely, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NAP), Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES) and the Singapore Maritime Academy (SMA), have lined-up an impressive list of speakers from around the world. Mr Pieter Struijs, Executive Director, Rotterdam Municipal Port Management and President, International Association of Port and Harbors, will be sharing on "Risk Management as the Basis for the Reliable Port Concept", which focuses on the importance of maritime R&D and technology to ports and its future development. The human element in shipping remains a primary factor in ensuring ship safety. Speaking on this area will be Professor Osman Kamil Sag, Dean, Maritime Faculty, Istanbul Technical University and International Maritime Organisation (IMO)/STW Sub-Committee Chairman. Professor Sag will deliver a paper on "Quality Standards and Globalisation of the Maritime Training in the Next Decade". It will cover the international mandatory provisions on Maritime Education and Training (MET), the different types and levels of MET in the world, and a proposed MET Accreditation Standard for the next decade. Ms Grace Fu, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Terminals, PSA Corporation Ltd, will be giving a special paper on the commercial assessment of PSA's bridge crane operations. Other distinguished keynote speakers include Professor Han Ligteringen, Chair of Ports and Waterways, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands; Professor Thomas D Waite, Program Director, Environmental Engineering, National Science Foundation, USA; Dr.Eric Wolanski, FTSE, Leading Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia; and Vice Admiral James C Card, Senior Vice President (Technology), American Bureau of Shipping. Some of the local prominent speakers at the ICPMRDT will include Professor Choo Yoo Sang, Director of the Centre for Offshore and Maritime Engineering, NUS and Professor Tan Soon Keat, Director of the Maritime Research Centre, NTU. Professor Cheong Hee Kiat, Deputy President, NTU and Chairman of the Organising Committee for this 2003 conference is confident that it will, like the 2001 session, offer participants valuable insights into the new developments, concepts and practices of the maritime R&D and technology industry. Says Professor Cheong, "This conference follows the successful inaugural International Conference on Port and Maritime R&D and Technology held in October 2001. It had attracted more than 300 participants from some 30 countries. In the face of the current global challenges for more port efficiency, maritime safety and security as well as environmental protection, it is very timely that we have another session for the maritime experts and delegates to share on how port and maritime R&D and technology can be leveraged on to sustain our competitive edge." The maritime R&D and technology industry is gaining increasing attention as a key component of Singapore's development as an International Maritime Centre. And according to Professor Cheong, "R&D and innovations are important in developing new skills and capabilities, which in turn create new services and products or add value to existing services that the maritime industry provides to its customers." To be part of the conference, interested participants may contact the Conference Manager at 6379 5261/6475 9377 or [email protected] for further information or visit the website at: