BCG Upgrades Virtual GMDSS Simulator
Buffalo Computer Graphics (BCG) Inc. released an updated version of its Virtual Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (VGMDSS) Simulation software. BCG’s VGMDSS software is comprised of emulations of commercially available components to make up a complete suite of virtual devices capable of conducting GMDSS training in all four sea areas.
Designed to be installed on a Windows PC with a single or dual monitors, the VGMDSS software features all the required components for a Desktop GMDSS simulator. Additionally, the new software features a Battery Monitoring Panel that models battery levels and power drain rates while simulating a primary power failure on the student ownship. A new SART and EPIRP have been implemented for a more realistic training experience, along with now supporting a portable VHF emergency radio. The virtual console now has a GPS panel and an embedded Ship Information panel. The updated software runs on Win XP and Win7 32bit or 64 bit operating systems.