Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Yemeni Ports Seek Safety in Shipping

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

October 21, 2002

The Republic of Yemen's Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs has stated that the French Tanker Limburg incident off the Port of Mukalla has no bearing on the safety of shipping at the country's ports. However, the incident has required the relevant authorities to take extra measures to ensure the safety of shipping in its ports and offshore crude oil loading terminals, according to the Ministry notice Ref. MTMA/GC2/2002 dated October 16, 2002 quoted below. “It has been brought to the Ministry's notice that some shipping and insurance companies are intending to, or have already raised the insurance premiums on cargoes destined to Yemen. The Ministry is highly concerned at such unreasonable steps and would like to assure the international shipping community that all the Yemeni Ports and their approaches are completely safe to receive and handle all types of vessels. The Ministry therefore sees no reason whatsoever for ships to avoid Yemeni ports or for insurance companies to raise their premiums.”