Marine Link
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Globe Email Results in Cost Savings for Shipping Company

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 26, 1999

The maritime industry no longer needs to wait for a reliable, cost-effective and easy-to-use way to communicate with ships at sea. Now available from Globe Wireless, the GlobeEmail service is revolutionizing marine communications by providing a reliable and affordable communications systems using HF radio data. GlobeEmail consists of a Windows 95 program installed aboard ship offering an easy-to-use interface for sending and receiving messages, including file attachments such as word processing documents and spreadsheets. Messages can easily be sent to/from any shore destination - from Telegram, Fax and Telex to Internet e-mail. Messaging costs with GlobeEmail are about half of Inmarsat C Telex costs. One shipping company with a fleet of 15 container ships in the Pacific was using a mix of Inmarsat C Telex and MCI Safe-Marine (Radio Telex). The fleet sends an average of seven messages, six kbs in size, each day and spends 20 days per month at sea. They chose to convert to GlobeEmail on an exclusive basis. The fleet is now saving more than $5,200 per month with GlobeEmail, an annual saving of $63,000. "I find GlobeEmail a delight to use," said one user. "Having recently used the system on a daily basis on an Atlantic crossing, my daily situation reports dispatched on a timely basis. The system is also flexible and cost effective. No need to watch the clock and wait for off-peak times, a great advantage." Another satisfied customer states "[a]s seafaring has been my entire life…it's amazing how convenient and what a great difference having instant, reliable and to boot, economical communication at one's finger tip makes." The GMDSS Connection offers ship owners the capability to install GlobeEmail into a ships GMDSS console. The GMDSS Connection includes a high speed radio modem, software and cabling. The only other component required is a personal computer. Major MF/HF radio manufacturers actively support the connection method.