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Latest Global Shipbuilding Orders

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 6, 2013

Although somewhat quieter this week with a number of the yards in the Far East approaching their summer vacations, Clarkson Hellas Weekly S+P Bulletin reports continued activity in the newbuilding market with orders coming to light in the dry, container and gas sectors.

Bulk Carriers:

Starting with the larger sizes, this week Clarkson Hellas has seen further orders being placed for VLOCs at Guangzhou Longxue. Following a similar order from Berge Bulk in May this year, Henghou Industries are reported this week to have placed an order for two firm 250,000 DWT VLOCs at the GSI controlled Longxue. Pricing is understood to be in the region USD 59 Mill with delivery of the first vessel in 2015 and second in 2016.

In the smaller sizes, it was reported that Wuhan Haihong Shipping have placed an order for two firm 64,000 DWT Ultramax at Guangzhou Huangpu, with both due to delivery in 2015.

Container Ships:

Clarkson Hellas Weekly S+P Bulletin had a number of orders to report in the larger sizes,  starting with Seaspan declaring options for a further five 14,000 TEU container carriers at HHI. These vessels, which take the series to a total of ten vessels, and understood to be due for delivery in 2015 with pricing in the region USD 110-Milionl each.

Although thought to have been signed in June this year, it has come to light this week that a joint venture between Costamare and York Capital have contracted two firm 9,000 TEU container carriers at Hanjin Subic, with delivery of both vessels in the second half of 2015. Understood by Clarkson Hellas to be based on a wide beam post panamax design, pricing is in the region USD 80-Million per vessel.

Gas Tankships:

Clarkson Hellas report a number of orders including Teekay LNG declaring the third and fourth options in a series of 173,400 CBM LNG carriers at DSME, both for delivery in 2016. Although pricing remains undisclosed, it is understood that this includes an additional four options, which if declared would be due for delivery in 2017.

Also declaring their options at Hanjin Subic for two further 38,500 CBM LPG carriers are Exmar LPG. This makes up the fifth and sixth in the series, with delivery of both vessels due in 2017.

Source: Clarkson Hellas Weekly S+P Bulletin