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European Shipbuilders Support Ship Emission Regs

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

December 9, 2010

The CESA Technical Advisory Committee met at the European Maritime Safety Agency on a series of items related to reduction of emissions from ships. Top industry experts in a number of different technical fields provided detailed presentations mainly concerning different forms of air emission from ships including green house
gas, SOx and NOx as well as noise. Also issues related to anti-fouling paints were raised. The exchange of information and views made clear that most objectives of the regulators are not only fully supported and constructively facilitated by CESA. CESA demonstrated its various efforts to constructively contribute to solving the
remaining technical issues related to the development of the Energy Efficiency Design Index. It appreciated EMSA’s work in this context, which had confirmed some of the CESA’s earlier voiced concerns. While CESA fully subscribes to the clear preference for finding an international approach for the reduction of greenhouse gas  emissions from ships, there is also the need to recognize substantial shortcomings of the EEDI concept implementation. The slow impact of the EEDI, the hypothetical rather than measured emission reduction, the threat of advocating under-powered ships and some flaws in the mathematical formula of the EEDI are reminders that the concept is a political compromise in the absence of any other mandatory instrument being politically achievable.
On SOx and NOx, EMSA informed about its on-going review of all available studies on the impact of the new MARPOL Annex VI provisions, CESA tabled its new adopted position paper on the issue (see annexed) and confirmed its appreciation of the firm position expressed by the European Commission. Concerns regarding a
possible modal backshift impact could be effectively addressed by investment in energy saving and in abatement technology. Furthermore, investment in gas fueled ships provides substantial additional business opportunities. The precondition for the necessary investment decision is a reliable regulatory basis.
Recent political statements suggesting a possible rewind of the regulatory requirement are considered not only unrealistic but also as detrimental for investment decisions. CESA encouraged EMSA to issue its report as soon as possible in order to counteract any perception of regulatory uncertainty.
On the issue of noise on board of ships, CESA informed about the technical state of play. With regard to the regulatory development, CESA expressed the view that ambitious regulatory requirement are considered beneficial to European shipyards thanks to their technical edge over any global competitor. However, respective rules
still need to respect the practically possible, which is why the close dialogue of the regulators with the competent industry experts is considered essential to arrive at sound results. Also noise emitted to the marine environment was discussed. Industry is actively addressing this matter, which still requires substantial scientific research.
On anti-fouling paints, CESA experts provided in-sight into the best available technology to mitigate risks related to paint applications. Also in this area, proper communication with regulators is considered essential in order to safeguard the continued availability of the required paint products for maritime applications.
EMSA and CESA concurred in the view that the strengthened dialogue between the two organisations served mutual interests. It was agreed that such workshops would in future be conducted on a regular basis.
CESA, the Community of European Shipyards’ Associations, represents directly more than 99% of the EU shipbuilding production with more than 300 shipyards producing,
converting and maintaining merchant and naval ships and other floating objects.
European shipyards supply more than 100,000 direct jobs for a highly skilled labor force, generating an annual turnover of 30 – 40 billion €. CESA comprises 14 National Associations from the EU, Norway and Croatia.