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MHI's Revamped Showroom Opens at Shinagawa

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

August 18, 2014


On August 18 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) opened its newly revamped M's Square showroom located on the second floor of the Shinagawa Head Office Building in Tokyo. The showroom layout has been reorganized into separate areas each introducing the technologies and products of one of its four business domains, following the company's shift to the new domain-based structure this April. A number of new features have also been added, including a spectacular 180-inch multi-display and a "News Archive" where visitors can freely browse news topics relating to the MHI Group.

Detailed explanations of MHI's technologies and products are provided in the "Technology Gallery." Here, displays of actual products, models, video presentations, etc. have been newly divided into four zones each focused on a specific business domain: "Energy & Environment," "Commercial Aviation & Transportation Systems," "Integrated Defense Systems & Space Systems" and "Machinery, Equipment & Infrastructure." The new display scheme was adopted to enhance ease of understanding of the MHI Group’s business developments from the perspectives of the customer, core technologies, etc.

The newly introduced "M's Vision" system is a 180-inch display configured from nine 60-inch screens.

The system is used to present the company's products and business domains with vivid reality and spectacular presence.

The new "News Archive" offers visitors free access to MHI news items announced since April 2014, available for viewing on a curved screen in the center of the display space. In addition, the screen is also used to introduce presentations of topics of special interest.

A special exhibition is currently being held within the showroom showcasing the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ), the company's next-generation passenger jet. A new video presentation provides a wealth of information relating to the new aircraft, including fuselage strength testing and assembly of the test flight unit.

MHI created M's Square to serve as an important "bridge" connecting the MHI Group with its highly diversified stakeholders. Following the showroom's latest revamping, efforts will continue to be made to achieve enhanced communication with visitors.

Location: 2-16-5, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8215, Japan (2nd floor, Shinagawa Head Office Building)