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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Noble Drilling Announces Delivery of Fourth Semisubmersible Conversion

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 24, 1999

Noble Drilling Corporation announced its fourth successful EVA-4000TM semisubmersible conversion, Noble Amos Runner, began its five-year contract for Kerr-McGee Corporation, Marathon Oil Company and Murphy Exploration and Production Company in the Gulf of Mexico. The unit, capable of drilling in water depths up to 6,600 ft., was delivered from the shipyard in August. The company also reported Noble Paul Wolff, the second EVA-4000TM conversion, has successfully drilled a well in a water depth of 8,017 ft. for Petroleo Brasiliero S.A. (Petrobras), which sets a new world water depth drilling record. The unit, a dynamically positioned semisubmersible unit capable of drilling in water depths up to 8,900 ft., is working for Petrobras under an initial six year contract, which commenced in May 1999.