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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Selendang Ayu Clean Up Continues

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

May 16, 2005

KODIAK, Alaska - Cleanup operations continue in earnest at the site of the Selendang Ayu wreck.

Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team (SCAT) personnel continue making progress and have surveyed 465 segments of the 799 beach segments identified as potentially impacted sites. Coast Guard Captain Ron Morris, Federal On-scene Coordinator said "The shoreline has been divided into segments as an aid for geographical referencing for response personnel. The segments surveyed are approximately equal to 224 miles of shoreline with some portion of 53 miles of those surveyed recommended for cleanup. The other 171 miles will not require further treatment. There is an estimated 245 miles of shoreline yet to be surveyed."

To date cleaning crews have collected 1,407 cubic yards of oily waste. There are currently 158 field response personnel and 21 vessels involved in the cleanup operations.

Officials hope to conclude cleanup operations by Oct. 15. The responsible party is also devising a plan to deal with wreck removal in accordance with the State's requirements.

Impacted wildlife consists of 781 birds observed oiled, 29 captured for rehabilitation, 10 released, and 1,609 dead. Mammals consist of 18 observed oiled, zero captured and six dead. No additional wildlife impacts have been reported since the commencement of Spring/Summer operations.

The 738-foot-freighter Selendang Ayu grounded and broke in two on Dec. 8, 2004, just offshore of Spray Cape, Unalaska Island, Alaska. The vessel carried soybeans and about 470,000 gallons of fuel oil (IFO380).