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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SCA: More Naval Vessels Protect Economy, Provide Security

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

April 22, 2016

Shipbuilders Council: Proposed Budget Enables Naval Forward Presence and Protects U.S. National Security Interests.

The Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) today recognized the House Armed Services Seapower Subcommittee for its robust markup of the 2017 shipbuilding budget.  Under the proposal, the Navy’s shipbuilding budget would be increased to $19.9 billion and a separate account, the National Sea Based Deterrent Fund, will receive $773 million to buy the new Ohio submarine replacement Program.

“The House Armed Services Seapower Subcommittee’s markup is a reflection of the real need to build more ships for our U.S. Navy,” said Matthew Paxton, President of the SCA.  “The forward presence of our Navy to facilitate commerce and project peace in international waters is critical and the Subcommittee’s proposal to build more ships is essential to maintain this important capacity in the future.  In addition to investing in our Navy, the Subcommittee is also investing in our shipyard industrial base, and these dollars would go a long way to bring stability to the shipyards, suppliers and manufacturers that build and maintain these vessels for our armed forces.”

The Subcommittee authorized $2.3 billion more than the President’s budget request and included language to accelerate the construction of aircraft carriers and to boost the construction of Navy surface vessels, including the additional procurement of ten major ships including an additional LCS, amphibious ship and a destroyer.

The U.S. shipbuilding and repair industry supports more than 500,000 jobs nationwide and contributes more than $39 billion annually to the U.S. economy.  According to the U.S. Maritime Administration, there are direct or induced U.S. shipyard jobs in all 435 Congressional districts.