Marine Link
Friday, July 19, 2024

Port of Rotterdam Continues Success

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

February 9, 2006

In 2005, 370 million tons of cargo passed through the port of Rotterdam, 5% more than in 2004 and a new record. The volume of cargo leaving the port grew faster than that of cargo coming in, with 9% and 3,5% respectively, with general cargo enjoying 7% growth and bulk cargo 4%. In numbers, container movements increased by 12% to 9.3 million TEU (container units of 20 feet). The total volume of dry bulk cargoes remained stable at nearly 90 million tons. handling of agri-bulk amount to around 10.7 million tons for the third successive year. Imports declined slightly in the past year because of disruptions in Gulf of Mexico ports caused by hurricanes. Exports of European (intervention) grains via Rotterdam, arriving by train, grew strongly. The total volume of coal being handled in Rotterdam grew by 1 million tons (+4% to 26 million tons). Handling of ores and scrap metals declined by 3.5 % to 41 million tons. In the course of the year, European steel factories reduced production for a while because of rising stocks and to support steel prices. Other dry bulk goods continued to maintain a rising line with a 3.5% increase this year to 12 million tons. The total volume of wet bulk handling rose by 6% to 171 million tons. The volume of crude oil arriving in Rotterdam remained constant on 102 million tons compared to the extremely good preceding year. Imports of oil products grew by 22% to 27 million tons, while the volume of oil products leaving Rotterdam grew by 37% to 15 million tons. A total of 42 million tons (+27%) were handled. The general cargo sector had a good year with a 7% increase of seven million tons to 110 million tons. In weight, container handling grew by nine million tons to total 91 million tons. In numbers, the increase was 12% to total 9.3 million TEU (+1 million).