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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

MMS Requests $240.2 Million for Budget

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 1, 1999

The U.S. Department of the Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS) has requested $240.2 million for the FY 2000 budget to manage mineral resources on the Nation's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in an environmentally sound and safe manner "This year's request is about $16.2 million above the 1999 enacted level," said Cynthia Quarterman, director. "A significant investment is proposed in the budget request for the Royalty Management Program (RMP) reengineering project, which is the agency's highest priority. Plans for the program call for fundamental changes in its business processes and support services so in the 21st Century we can deliver the best royalty management services possible at the lowest possible cost. This investment is modest compared to the $4 billion the agency collects on average each year from mineral leases on Federal and Indian lands." The request includes an additional $10 million for the RMP reengineering effort. It is expected reengineering will align RMP's multiple functions into two core end-to-end business processes, reduce RMP's auditing and collection cycle from six to three years, and simplify regulatory reporting requirements. The FY 2000 budget request includes funding to support additional inspection activities in the Gulf of Mexico. Also included is modest funding for MMS participation in international standard setting organizations which are increasing in importance as offshore oil and gas activities expand around the globe.