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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

CIA Project Azorian Report Released

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

February 17, 2010

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released a redacted copy of its report on Project Azorian. This was the secret 1973-4 operation that involved raising a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean. In March 1968, the submarine, and armed with three long-range nuclear missiles, various nuclear torpedoes, and secret code material, sank in 16,000 feet deep waters northwest of Hawaii. The U.S. Navy had monitored the sinking and was surprised when it became apparent that the Soviet Navy was unable to locate the wreck. A plan was then developed by the CIA for attempted recovery of the submarine. Arrangements were made with the reclusive Howard Hughes to use a bogus deep seabed mining venture as a cover story. The special-purpose ship Glomar Explorer was built in the Sun Shipyard in Chester, Pennsylvania. Once on-site in the North Pacific, it slipped special cables around the submarine’s hull and commenced raising the wreck. Part way up, the after portion of the submarine broke off and crashed back to the bottom. The forward portion was recovered and brought ashore for analysis. Many aspects of this operation remain highly classified. (2/12/10).

(Source: Bryant’s Maritime News)