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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

BOEMRE Names Alaska Regional Director

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

May 26, 2011

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich today named Dr. James Kendall as the Director of the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region. Dr. Kendall has been serving as the Acting Director for the region since January 1, 2011.
“Jim is absolutely the right person for the job. We have very difficult decisions to make regarding energy development offshore Alaska, and the American public must have complete confidence that those decisions will be informed by the best scientific information available,” said Director Bromwich. “Jim embodies the principles of scientific integrity. He is committed to openness and transparency, and he is a dedicated public servant. The feedback I have received regarding Jim’s tenure over the last few months as Acting Regional Director from environmental organizations, industry groups, and other stakeholders has been uniformly positive – they have praised Jim’s openness, his accessibility, and his willingness to listen to all points of view. This praise has been universal, including from stakeholders who have been critical of our office in the past. I am very pleased to have him at the helm of the Alaska Regional office.”
Dr. Kendall most recently served as the Chief of BOEMRE’s Environmental Division, where he was responsible for overseeing the Bureau’s $30 million applied environmental and socioeconomic research program, its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act, its environmental compliance responsibilities and the Coastal Impact Assistance Program. Prior to joining the BOEMRE Headquarters Office in 2000, Dr. Kendall served as the Chief of the Environmental Sciences Section of BOEMRE’s Gulf of Mexico Region.
"Working with the Regional BOEMRE team these past few months has been an honor. They are true professionals, committed to environmental protection, responsible energy development and our nation," Dr. Kendall said. "The Alaska OCS is both an environmental treasure and a vital, strategic national resource and I am committed to ensuring safe and environmentally sound stewardship of its resources."
BOEMRE’s Alaska Region oversees the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in federal waters offshore Alaska. This includes assessments of the oil and gas resources, preparation of environmental analyses and research, coordination with local, state, tribal and federal governments, and others interested in the OCS program.
Dr. Kendall will eventually transition to become the head of the Alaska region for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, one of the new agencies that will replace the former Minerals Management Service on Oct. 1, 2011.