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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Proposed & Interim Rules

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 1, 1999

March 29, 1999 MarAd is soliciting public comment concerning whether MarAd should amend its cargo preference regulations governing the carriage of agricultural exports. Comments are welcome on the questions listed in this notice or on any other aspect of MarAd's oversight of other governmental agencies' ocean shipping activities under the Cargo Preference Act of 1954, as amended by the Food Security Act of 1985. Present regulations and policies remain in force. This docket does not address the carriage of military cargoes. March 29, 1999 The USCG proposes to amend the Anchorage Regulations for the Atlantic Ocean off Miami and Miami Beach, Fla. The amendment is needed to strengthen existing anchoring requirements and guidelines in order to provide a higher degree of protection to the coastal area during periods of adverse weather, which could cause anchored vessels to drag anchor and strike other vessels or become grounded. March 30, 1999 This USCG interim rule implements measures for maintaining or regaining control of a tank barge that will reduce the likelihood of a tank barge's grounding and spilling its cargo. These measures are necessary because without them a tug that loses its tow lacks ready means for regaining control of it. April 2, 1999 The USCG is proposing to increase the fees it charges for issuing numbers to undocumented vessels in Alaska, to a rate enabling full-cost recovery. It proposes this measure because the fees it now charges fall far short of covering the cost of issuing numbers there. This measure should bring it into full compliance with the general Federal statute on user fees and, not incidentally, should increase convenience to the public by allowing more means of payment. Final Rules May 1, 1999 The Surface Transportation Board is revising its tariff filing regulations to eliminate the option of filing tariffs with the Board electronically through the Federal Maritime Commission's Automated Tariff Filing and Information System, which is being phased out effective May 1, 1999. The Board will, however, entertain special tariff authority requests by individual carriers seeking to file their tariffs in alternative electronic formats. Notices April 19, 1999 The USCG requests comments on the impact of their regulation on small entities. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act and as published in the Department of Transportation's Semi-Annual Regulatory Agenda, the USCG is analyzing its first group of regulations during FY 1999 to identify rules which may have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. At the end of the analysis, a list of those regulations that may have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities will be published. April 20, 1999 The USCG is conducting a study of port-access routes to evaluate the continued applicability of and the need for modifications to current vessel routing measures in and around the Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent waters, including Admiralty Inlet, Rosario Strait, Haro Strait, Boundary Pass and the Strait of Georgia. The goal of the study is to help reduce the risk of marine casualties and increase vessel traffic management efficiency in the study area. The USCG seeks comments on the issues raised and questions listed in this notice. January 1, 2002 "Y2K" is the acronym for "Year 2000" and the problems which may occur in computer software and equipment with computer chips before, on, or after January 1, 2000. The effects on equipment could be disastrous. Consequently, the USCG has arranged to serve as a clearinghouse for any lessons learned or problems identified with this issue as it relates to the maritime industry. Editor's Note: This information is courtesy of the Transportation Institute On-Line (