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EU Erika I Proposals Close to Adoption

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 5, 2001

In line with the EU co-decision procedures both EU Member States (Council) and the European Parliament have to agree on proposed rules before final adoption. Last week the proposals of the Erika I package passed their last hurdle, and are now only subject to formal rubberstamping before entry into force in early 2003. After successfully bringing the phase-out of single-hull tankers to resolution in the IMO, the concept of separate rules in European waters was abandoned by the EU. The current EU Regulation will fully reflect the changes to the MARPOL 13G adopted earlier this year. The revised EU directive on port state control will be considerably sharpened. The revised directive on licensing of class will impose on Member States a more rigorous system for controlling, licensing and eventual withdrawal of licences to classification societies working on their behalf. Full transparency will be imposed on class as far as overdue conditions of class are concerned. The Erika II package, with its proposal for a European third layer of oil spill compensation ("COPE"), a new draft EU directive on "monitoring and reporting" and a proposal for a European Maritime Safety Agency ("EMSA"), is still at a less advanced stage in the decision-making process. (Source: INTERTANKO News) Web Link: For in depth update on the Erika I and Erika II proposals