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Women Needed for Shore Programs

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

November 13, 2014


Career opportunities for active-duty female Sailors are abundant with the Women Ashore program, Navy detailers said Nov. 12.

"There are opportunities for female Sailors to earn their Instructor Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) (9502), their master training specialist qualification, corrections specialist NEC (9575), or even their Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) instructor NEC (9505)," said Chief Yeoman (AW) Anna Masterson, detailer, Shore Special Programs.

Currently available billets include:

* Instructor Duty at Training Support Center (TSC) Great Lakes, Illinois. This duty is primarily designated for Navy Military Training Instructors (NMTI). NMTIs at Great Lakes perform essential "Sailorization" functions for thousands of apprentice-level ("A" school) students following their initial accession training at Recruit Training Command. There are currently 17 E-5/E-6 billets available, and those selected will earn a 9505 NEC en route.

* Transient Personnel Units (TPU) Jacksonville, Florida; Norfolk, Virginia; and San Diego. TPUs are responsible for the efficient and expeditious processing of all transient personnel assigned and the operation of the disciplinary barracks. TPU customers include those Sailors traveling to a deployed or underway command, personnel being separated from a deployed or overseas command who have orders, and personnel transitioning between two commands. There is one E-5 billet available at Jacksonville, one E-5 billet at Norfolk, and three E-6 billets at San Diego.

* Navy Consolidated Brigs (NAVCONBRIG). Brig duty enables Sailors to develop their leadership skills through work in a challenging and demanding environment. Duties include guarding, directing, guiding, mentoring and training incarcerated men and women for successful reintegration into society. Those selected for brig staff duty will undergo three weeks of Corrections Specialist Training at the Naval Corrections Academy in San Antonio where they will earn the 9575 Correctional Custody Specialist Ashore NEC. There is currently one E-7 (NEC 3529) billet and one E-5 (NEC 3527) billet at NAVCONBRIG San Diego, one E-4 billet at NAVCONBRIG Chesapeake, Virginia, and one E-7 and two E-6 billets at NAVCONBRIG Charleston, South Carolina.

Women Ashore billets are available to active-duty female Sailors and are advertised in Career Management System-Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) under the 9999 NEC. Interested applicants should speak with their detailer 12 months prior to their projected rotation date (PRD). After speaking with their detailer, Sailors can submit an application in CMS-ID upon entering their permanent change of station orders negotiation window, nine months prior to their PRD.

For more information visit the Women Ashore page at