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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

IAMPE Certifies Port Professionals

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

June 21, 2016

The International Association of Maritime and Port Professionals (IAMPE) has informed about the Accredited Marine Port Executive Professional Certification. This advanced certification is designed to provide a gold standard for professional education and certification in the international port and maritime industry and mirrors other professional certifications issued in various industrial disciplines. The professional certification issued by the International Association of Maritime and Port Executives shall be designated as AMPE.

To qualify, individuals in the industry may apply to the IAMPE for certification. The requirements include a base program of education or certification. The Maritime Port Manager (MPE), Certified Port Executive (CPE-post 2013) and Professional Port Manager (PPM) designations, or the equivalent post graduate academic education, taken after 2013, will be accepted as the base standard for the AMPE.

3. At least 16 hours of continuing education credit taken after 2013, are required to qualify for the AMPE professional certification above the base standard. This would exclude those who have already received the interim Certified Maritime Port Executive designation which was granted to those who already had accomplished the needed credit hours or who had equivalent experience. Those individuals would receive the AMPE certification automatically.

4. In addition to the credit hours, individuals would be required to submit an application noting their experience, certification of credits and a letter of reference from a professional source such as their CEO, Executive Director or similar senior manager.

5. Continuing education credits for the AMPE can be earned through one of our IAMPE programs or the graduate online program managed by the Loeb-Sullivan School at Maine Maritime Academy. Continuing education credits (non-academic credit bearing courses) to earn the AMPE may also be accepted if taken after 2013 from an equivalent academic program of their choice. The graduate credits from the Loeb-Sullivan School do not apply unless taken through the Academy. All academic credit bearing courses will be evaluated on a case by case basis and approved in advance.

6. Once the application is received, the Education and Standards Committee will conduct a review by class and recommend the awarding of the certification to the Board.

7. After being awarded, the certification would have to be maintained by earning 32 continuing education credits in a five year period, which would be the term of the accreditation for each individual. The individual would apply for renewal. Continuing education credits can be earned through the IAMPE, Loeb-Sullivan School or equivalent academic institution (for non-academic bearing courses). For courses other than the IAMPE or Loeb-Sullivan School, academic credits are not applied.

While there are a wide range of other formal programs and applicable seminars that might also be eligible for IAMPE credit, these would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Attending a conference may be worthwhile but not necessarily applicable to the intended standard of the certification. Course programs would be evaluated by the Education and Standards Committee. Course not incorporating formal studies in international business, logistics or port management (such as vocational license renewal courses i.e. radar recertification) are not applicable. License course such as Bridge Resource Management are acceptable.

The current MPE program awards each individual 4 graduate level academic credits through the Loeb-Sullivan School of International Business & Logistics at the Maine Maritime Academy. Those with Professional Engineering (PE) or similar certifications may also receive continuing education credits. The IAMPE Maritime Management Program is designed to provide a pathway for professional development and certification for port and maritime professionals. Required course work includes management education, advanced executive management education, continuing education and industry experience. Programs are reviewed by the Board of Advisors of the IAMPE, comprised of senior executives from over 22 ports, maritime business and educational sectors in North America.