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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Typhon Launch Private Naval Service

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

January 28, 2013

Pirate Interception: Photo credit EUNAVFOR

Pirate Interception: Photo credit EUNAVFOR

Typhon's new service combines a convoy escort with comprehensive intelligence for ships transitting piracy risk areas.

This service, described by UK-based Typhon as a naval-grade service to the commercial market,  enables ship operators to transit the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in safety while saving time and money. The company is now opening discussions with potential clients and negotiating long term contracts.

With Typhon’s service, close protection vessels (CPVs) shadow client vessels using its ‘umbrella concept’, which consists of surveillance and, detection and early warning capabilities to identify and assess any likely or suspected threats. Through early detection, Typhon will be able to deter a pirate threat before it becomes a danger.

The convoys travel in a protected 'envelope' which make it extremely difficult for the pirates to enter the 'Protection Zone' to launch an attack.  Typhon's policy is always to seek to diffuse and de-escalate any violence.

Typhon’s detection solution consists of a multi-layered service that detects piracy in three ways – by sea (using radar), by air (using satellite) and by land (through an onshore operations centre). In conjunction with the CPV, Typhon’s detection of potential threats will inform the decision to use armoured patrol boats to intercept a potential target, engage direct fire weapons or mount a key defence of the client vessel. Typhon say that the use of force is a last resort and is always reasonable and proportionate using the minimum amount of force necessary.

Anthony Sharp, CEO of Typhon, said, “Typhon was created in order address the specific threat from pirates in a number of key geographies. The area we will protect are too vast for current naval resources to monitor effectively and this will be an even bigger issue when Operation Atlanta comes to an end."