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Workshop Influences Future of Dynamic Positioning

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

July 23, 2013

Business Development Manager Mark Carter presents the key benefits of Sonardyne DP-INS to a packed workshop.

Business Development Manager Mark Carter presents the key benefits of Sonardyne DP-INS to a packed workshop.

Sonardyne International Ltd., in conjunction with Guidance Navigation and Veripos, recently held a free one-day user workshop focusing exclusively on the latest advances in Dynamic Positioning (DP) reference sensor technologies.

More than 50 industry experts from a wide selection of companies gathered in Houston to review current state-of-the-art Position Monitoring Equipment (PME) solutions and to discuss the industry’s future requirements.

Significant focus was given to the integration of inertial technologies with acoustics, GNSS, laser and radar sensors, examining practical experience and real world examples whilst discussing opportunities for DP integration that would improve performance, increase availability and reduce risk. Other discussions throughout the day ranged from influencing vessel design for optimal navigation sensor placement to maximise availability and minimise interference through to the detail of NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) input strings. The afternoon was dedicated to providing attendees with highly interactive, hands-on sessions which generated in-depth discussion and debate on technical and regulatory issues.

“We hold regular workshops for our customers all over the world but this is our first joint event for the DP market,” said Mark Carter, Sonardyne’s Business Development Manager. “The day was very well received with a representative from one of the oil majors thanking us for running the event and facilitating an open exchange of views and opinions between industry experts. As a result, Sonardyne has been invited to an upcoming MTS acoustic PME working group. A summary of the day is also being presented at the next MTS conference in October. We’ve also had requests to repeat the workshop internally for customers’ technical and operations teams.”

Following the day’s success, Sonardyne, Guidance Navigation and Veripos are planning future similar events in Europe and the Far East.

For more information, contact Mark Carter on +44 (0)1252 872288 or visit