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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Port of Long Beach Cargo Stats & Development Progress

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

September 17, 2013

Photo courtesy of Port of Long Beach

Photo courtesy of Port of Long Beach

Containerized cargo volume at the Port of Long Beach surged 16 percent in August compared to the same month one year ago, with double-digit percentage gains in both imports and exports. Latest Middle Harbor project update shows significant progress.

August 2013 is not only the busiest month in 2013 so far, but is the busiest month for cargo at Long Beach since October 2007. August through October each year is traditionally the “peak season” for ocean-borne imports, as retailers prepare for a rise in buying as the end-of-the-year holidays approach.

A total of 630,292 TEUs (or twenty-foot equivalent container units) moved through Long Beach in August. Imports increased 19.2 percent to 327,817 TEUs. Exports were up by 20.2 percent to 154,118 TEUs.

Related news: Middle Harbor Project Update
Middle Harbor will combine two aging container terminals into one of the world's most technologically advanced and greenest facilities.

The project will double capacity and support 14,000 new jobs — while cutting air pollution in half.

About one-third of the wharf has been completed (the southern portion, with completion for the northern section of the wharf expected in spring 2014). Cranes for the completed wharf are scheduled for delivery in November.

The north operations building, the first of the buildings needed by Long Beach Container Terminal, is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.
Middle Harbor development