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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Petrotechnics Launches Enterprise Solution

Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.

April 30, 2012

Phil Murray, CEO at Petrotechnics

Phil Murray, CEO at Petrotechnics

With stakeholder expectations of operational performance in hazardous industries ever increasing, operational risk management is a board level challenge. 

Petrotechnics today announced the launch of Proscient, its Operational Performance & Predictive Risk software platform. It provides senior management in hazardous industries the ability to reduce risk, optimize performance and drive continuous improvement across their global operations.

The biggest operational risk occurs when people interact with the plant. This interaction is the leading cause of HiPo’s, 2nd leading cause of fatalities and a significant contributing factor in process safety incidents. Organizations typically have rigorous corporate processes for process safety, occupational safety and people management, with systems and data that provide indicators and close the assurance loop. However, when thousands of people interact with the plant every day to do repair or maintenance work, there are limited or no systems and often only paper based processes.  This leaves a large gap in the assurance loop with no feedback on performance.  In this critical area organizations can only judge performance after the event, i.e. with lagging indicators and audit.

Recognizing this critical gap in operational assurance, Petrotechnics’ Proscient closes the loop in the riskiest part of operations. The system intelligently embeds corporate, regional and local policies and processes ensuring they are consistently delivered in frontline practice. This provides senior management with insight and oversight over their global frontline operations.

The system captures data as part of routine work processes such as type of work, volume of work, interaction of work and associated human factors. Common metrics can be established across operations to provide a common indicator of the operational risk associated with the work being performed. For the first time the organization has a common means of understanding the relationship between delivering performance and operational risk. This data captured is then turned into meaningful insight providing clarity and confidence to improve decision making.   

Phil Murray, chief executive officer at Petrotechnics, said; “Our new product is designed to provide senior management with the tools to not only address the way operations are set up across the enterprise, but to ensure and vastly improve upon how the work is executed on a day-to-day basis while providing the means to measure performance.  It is the ideal platform for organizations to further embed a culture of continuous improvement within their operations.” Functionality of the product includes:


  • An Enterprise Platform

-Connect the strategic intent of corporate policy to operational practice
-Enterprise integration capabilities with corporate IT Operations Infrastructure such as Maintenance Management Systems, Planning Systems, ERP and HSE systems
-Flexibility to ensure corporate, regional and local standards are operationalized

  • Dynamic tools to optimize work in time, space and risk

-Work conflict detection improves decision making
-Real time risk profiles of the plant

  • Operational Intelligence provides Insight, Oversight and Corporate Governance

-Common Risk and Efficiency indices for the Enterprise, Assets and Plants providing real governance over operational activity
-Optimize operations with integrated business analytics capabilities

“Our system turns data captured as a part of routine working into operational intelligence for decision makers across the organization,” said Murray.  “For the first time, operational leaders can start to understand the relationship between performance and risk and proactively manage the organization to a less risky and more optimized performance.”